Latest Products
RO5 MINERAL reverse osmosis replacement cartridge kit with mineralization (quick)
Product code: RO-5SETQ-N-M
ECOSOFT Standard PRO reverse osmosis filter with mineralization
Product code: MO550MECOSTD
ECOSOFT Granulētās aktīvētas ogles kārtridžs BIG BLUE 20'' korpusiem
Item code: CHV4520ECO
SUPREME RO5-RO6 Cartridge replacement set for reverse osmosis systems 1-2-3 BC
Product code: RO-SET-123BCGAC
SUPREME RO5-RO6 Cartridge replacement set for reverse osmosis systems 1-2-3 BC
Product code: RO-SET-123BC
Equipment for Removing Mechanical Impurities – QUARTZ-6000
The equipment is primarily used for water purification from mechanical impurities, such as sand, algae, rust particles, lime, and other solid materials that flow through pipelines, clogging water supply systems and mechanisms.
Equipment for Removing Mechanical Impurities – QUARTZ-4000
The equipment is primarily used for water purification from mechanical impurities, such as sand, algae, rust particles, lime, and other solid materials that flow through pipelines, clogging water supply systems and mechanisms.
Top ten Products
SOFT-SEL® sea salt crystals for water softeners 25KG
We draw the attention of customers that the fee for the delivery of salt depends on the weight! DOOR TO DOOR Shipping costs (Latvia): from 10 kg to 30 kg - 16.00 EUR with VAT; from 30+ kg to 50 kg - 22.00 EUR with VAT; from 50+ kg to 75 kg - 41.00 EUR with VAT; from 75+ kg to 100 kg - 50.00 ...
SUPREME polipropilēna diega pinuma kārtridžs 10'' korpusiem (dažādi veidi)
Mehāniskās attīrīšanas filtrs.
Pāreja ar vītni, savienojums filtra korpusam, pēcfiltram 1/4OD x 1/4NPT
Preces kods: WA-MC0404
Piedurkņu filtrs CINTROPUR NW25 (5 gab.) 50 mik
Piedurkņu filtrs priekš CINTROPUR NW25 filtra, komplektā 5 gab. 50 mik.
Ogles pēc-filtrs CB priekš RO LATT V 3.0
Maiņas kārtridžs Nr.2 - ogles pēc-filtrs CB (kods: 910551 V 3.0).
Kombinētais priekš-filtrs CF priekš RO LATT V3.0
Maiņas kārtridžs Nr.1 - kombinētais priekš-filtrs CF (kods: 910550 V 3.0).
SUPREME ūdens adzelžošanas kārtridžs 10''
Īpašais kārtridža pildījums pasargā sadzīves tehniku un cauruļvadus no dzelzs savienojumiem.
SUPREME ūdens mīkstināšanas kārtridžs 10''
Novērš kaļķakmens veidošanos uz sadzīves tehnikas elementiem (piemēram: veļas mašīna, trauku mazgājama mašīna, tējkanna boilera sildelements)
~ Very high degree of treatment ~ Improved water taste ~ Easy operation
Equipment for Removing Mechanical Impurities – QUARTZ-3000
The equipment is primarily used for water purification from mechanical impurities, such as sand, algae, rust particles, lime, and other solid materials that flow through pipelines, clogging water supply systems and mechanisms.
Equipment for Removing Mechanical Impurities – QUARTZ-2000
The equipment is primarily used for water purification from mechanical impurities, such as sand, algae, rust particles, lime, and other solid materials that flow through pipelines, clogging water supply systems and mechanisms.
Equipment for Removing Mechanical Impurities – QUARTZ-1500
The equipment is primarily used for water purification from mechanical impurities, such as sand, algae, rust particles, lime, and other solid materials that flow through pipelines, clogging water supply systems and mechanisms.
Equipment for Removing Mechanical Impurities – QUARTZ-1000
The equipment is primarily used for water purification from mechanical impurities, such as sand, algae, rust particles, lime, and other solid materials that flow through pipelines, clogging water supply systems and mechanisms.